You can download your database from DirectAdmin. It can be useful for backup purposes or other uses. 1. log in to your DirectAdmin Account. 2. In the Account Manager section, click on the MySQL Management icon or type MySQL Management in the navigation filter box. The option will appear. Click on it. 3. Under database text, you can see a list of your databases. On your database, […]
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You can remove your database from the DirectAdmin control panel but we recommend you first make a backup of it before removing it. 1. log in to your DirectAdmin Account. 2. In the Account Manager section, click on the MySQL Management Icon or type MySQL Management in the navigation filter box. The option will appear. Click on it. 3. Under database text, select the database. You can […]
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1. log in to your DirectAdmin Account. 2. In the Account Manager section, click on the MySQL Management icon or type MySQL Management in the navigation filter box. The option will appear. Click on it. 3. Under database text, select the database. You can select multiple databases for examining or optimizing them. 4. Click on the Check button to examine or click on Optimize to optimize your database. This […]
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1. log in to your DirectAdmin Account. 2. In the Account Manager section, click on the MySQL Management icon or type MySQL Management in the navigation filter box. The option will appear. Click on it. 3. Under database text, Select the database. You can select multiple databases for repair. 4. Click on Repair. Your database will be repaired and it will display a report such as whether your database […]
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1. log in to your DirectAdmin Account. 2. In the Account Manager section, click on the MySQL Management icon or type MySQL Management in the navigation filter box. The option will appear. Click on it. 3. Under database text, click on the database for which you want to create a user. 4. Under Users, click on Create New User. 5. Enter a user in the username field and a password in the password field […]
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1. log in to your DirectAdmin Account. 2. In the Account Manager section, click on the MySQL Management icon or type MySQL Management in the navigation filter box. The option will appear. Click on it. 3. Under database text, click on the database you wish to modify privileges for. 4. Under User list, you can find your database users. Click on Modify Privileges. 5. Modify Privileges according to your needs and […]
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1. log in to your DirectAdmin Account. 2. In the Account Manager section, click on the MySQL Management Icon or type MySQL Management in the navigation filter box and then the option will appear. Click on it. 3. In the top right-hand side, click on the Create New Database button. 4. Fill the database name in the text field and then enter the password in the Database Password field or […]
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Do you know that If you want to download a backup of only FTP data, emails, or database data, you can do this from your DirectAdmin control panel. How to Generate а Backup of Your Database, FTP, or Your Email Only? 1. log in to your DirectAdmin account. 2. In the Advanced Features section, click on Create/Restore Backups Icon or […]
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1. Log into your cPanel account. 2. In the “Databases” section, click on the “phpMyAdmin” Icon. 3. In the left side-bar, Click on the expand button to expand the database like “example”. 4. Under your cPanel username, you can see a list of all databases. Select the appropriate database which you want to repair. 5. Scroll down […]
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1. Log into your cPanel account. 2. In the “Databases” section, click on the “phpMyAdmin” Icon. 3. In the left side-bar, Click on the expand button to expand the database like “example”. 4. Under your cPanel username, you can see a list of all databases. Select the appropriate database which you want to optimize. 5. Scroll down […]
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